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Obligation / Non obligation (Expressions)

Obligation / Non obligation /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn/nÉ’n É’blɪˈɡeɪʃn/

A. Expressing obligations
-  You must study hard if you want to pass the exam
-  You must submit your assignment next week
-  All students must obey the school rules
-  You're sick, you have to see the doctor
-  Your mother said that you had to go home

B. Expressing non obligations
I don't have to go home soon
-  You don't have to return the novel immediately
-  We don't have to do observation for the assignment
-  The workers must not have lunch at the canteen
-  The child doesn't have to do all the housework by himself

Here are more about obligations / Non obligations
1.  Using Adjectives: Obligatory, Compulsory, Needless, Unnecessary
It is obligatory for the people to participate in education.
-  Entering kinder garten school is not compulsory in Indonesia.
That’s a needless thing to speak about someone behind.
It’s unnecessary to sit on the beach for hours.

2.  Using Nouns: Obligation, Compulsion, Need, Necessity
-  There’s a legal obligation to enter the police academy.
-  It’s a compulsion to obey your teachers.
-  It’s a need for everybody to work out at least three times a week.
-  Is it necessity for boys and girls to school apart?

3.  Using Verbs: Oblige
- My father obliged me to study every night when I was a child.
- My mother never obliges me anything

4. Using Modal Auxiliaries: Must, Have to, Ought to, Should
-  You must obey your parents.
-  Every Muslim must pray five times a day.
-  I have to go now.
-  You ought to repair my watch.
-  Those shoes should be repaired.
-  I ought to wake up early.

Test yourself.

1. Nikita:  What is our task?
    Dilan :  Well, we must interview some foreigners in Laduna hotel.
    Nikita:  Should we interview a certain number of them?
    Dilan :  About two or three are enough
    Nikita:  Should we present the result orally or written?
    Dilan :  Orally, of course.
    Nikita:  Okay then, thanks
    What is not true about the task?
  A. They should interview as many foreigners as possible
  B. They should do the task in Laduna hotel
  C. The students should interview some foreigners
  D. They should present the task orally
  E. It is an interview task

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