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Superstition (Do you believe in luck?)

> If you see a black cat, you will have ....

>  If your first visitor in the new year has got dark hair, you'll have good luck all year.

>  If you spill some wine, throw some salt over your left shoulder to keep bad luck away.

>  If you walk under the ladder, you'll have bad luck.

>  If you open an umbrella in the house, you'll have bad luck.

>  If you see a black cat, you will have good luck.

>  If there's a cat passes crossing your way, you'll have bad luck.

>  If the palm of your left hand itches, you're going to get some money?

>  If you break a mirror, you'll have seven years' bad luck.

>  If there's a butterfly getting into your house, there will be a guest coming soon.

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