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A sad story of a sad man

One Sunday evening two men (1. meet) ........ in a London pub. One of them was very unhappy. "Life (2. be) ........ terrible, everything in the world is really boring," he said. "(3. not say) ........ that," said the other man. "Life is marvelous! The world is so exciting! Think about Italy. It's a wonderful country." ........ you ever (4. be) ....... there?"  "Oh yes. I (5. go) ...... there last year and I didn't like it.

"Well, ........ you (6. be) ........ to Norway?  ........ you ever (7. see) ........ the midnight sun?  "Oh yes, I (8. go) ........ in 1984 and I (9. see) ........ the midnight sun. I (not enjoy) ........ it."

 "Well, I ........ just (11. return) ........ from a safari in Africa.   ....... you (12. visit) ........  Africa yet?"  "Yes, I (13. go) ........ on a safari in Africa last year and I (14. climb) ........ Mount Kilimanjaro. It (15. be) ........ really boring."

 "Well, (16. say) ........ the other man, I (17. think) ........ that you (18. be) ........ very ill. Only the best psychiatrist can help you. (19. go) ........ to see Dr. Greenbaum in Harley Street."  
"I (20. be) ........ Dr. Greenbaum, "answered the man sadly.,

Please complete the story by putting the verbs in the brackets into the Present simple, Past tense or Present perfect tense forms.

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