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Laduna English Course

Subject:  Reading Comprehension
Level    :  Lower Elementary

Putry lives in a small flat and Sally lives in a big flat. Here's some information about the two flats.

Putry's flat                                
two rooms;
living room       very small kitchen
small bathroom with a shower & a toilet
in the kitchen;
small fridge
in the living room;
small TV                                                                      

Sally's flat
four rooms;
living room  
two bedrooms
big kitchen
separate toilet
in the kitchen;
big fridge       dishwasher
in the living room;
big TV

1. Write about Sally's flat by completing the following description.

There ......... four ............... in Sally's flat; a living room, two ............................. and a big ...................... .
 ................. is ................................. bathroom too and a separate ...................
In the kitchen ......................................... a big .............................. and a dishwasher.
................................................................ big .............. in the ...................................................

2. Choose the correct verb for each blank.

have / has
live / lives
open / opens
repair / repairs
sell / sells
start / starts
1.  My cousin Tom ........ in Germany.
2.  Anita ................. children's clothes and shoes.                                
3.  The village shop ............ at nine o'clock in the morning.
4.  Mechanics usually ............ work at eight o'clock.
5.  In Spain, people ....... dinner at ten o'clock in the evening.
6.  I ...... cereal and milk for breakfast.
7.  Kemed ............ old clocks.

3. Fill in the blanks.


Houston, Beaumont and Galveston ......... in the south east ........ Texas. Houston and Beaumont .......... industrial cities; Houston is .......... large. Galveston is a tourist ................. near Houston.
Dallas ............ Amarillo are in the ................ . Dallas is a large  ............... city in the north east, 
............ Amarillo is a ................ town in the north west,  .......... New Mexico. Panhandle is .................
small town near Amarillo.

4.  a or the?

1.  Budapest is ........ capital city of Hungary.
2.  Shari is in ........ north of Japan.
3.  Vienna is ........ tourist centre.
4.  Nice is on ........ south coast of France.
5.  Brindisi is ........ small town in ........ south of Italy.
6.  Thessalonica is ........ large city in Greece.
7.  Bandung is ........ small town in the south east of Serang city.
8.  Athens is ........ capital city of Greece
9.  Campos is on  ........ east coast of Brazil.

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