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Cover a note book (Procedure text)

How to cover a notebook with brown paper.

Here are the materials that you are going to need: a note book, a brown paper, scissors, a sticky tape / a paper glue or a stapler, a pen or a pencil and the last is a ruler.

Alright, now I'm going to show you how to do it;

First of all: Roll out the brown paper and put the book, open, on it. Leave about three centimetres from the left and right sides, then cut the roll.

And then with the book open, mark the corners with a pencil. This is to give you some guidelines to trim in the next step. Also, mark a V and an inverted Vat the top and bottom of the spine of the book. Again, these will be trim marks.

Next,Trim diagonally across the four corners of the trim lines. Trim the V and inverted V at the top and bottom of the spine. You should have a piece of paper that looks something like this. When trimming the ‘V’ sections don’t bring them to a sharp point, but rather a flat-bottomed V. This will give a little wiggle room in the last step when you’re taping the back cover down. You’re measuring the open book, but there are a few millimetres extra required when it is in the closed position.

After that, Place the book back inside the corner trim marks, using the V marks and corner markings to get the position as precise as possible. Fold in each flap and tape down inside the front cover of the book. When doing the back cover, make sure you close the book so the paper is positioned correctly and closes and opens easily.

Now, You have covered a book in brown paper
Make a cut for the book spine on both sides of the book cover. The width is the same as the thickness of the book. Fold the top and the bottom to fit the size of the book and tape or stapler them down.

When it's done!
Do the same on the other side, and finally you have made a book cover for your note book.

I think that is all what I can explain to you and I thank you.

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