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Letter (Short Functional Text)


 /ˈletÉ™(r)according to Oxford advanced learner's dictionary means a message that is written down or printed on paper and usually put in an envelope and sent to somebody.

Letter is divided into three, they are;
1. Formal letter
2. Informal letter
3. Neutral letter

Letter artinya surat. Surat adalah pesan tertulis dengan berbagai isi dan maksud yang dikirim kepada seseorang. Surat dapat dikirim melalui jasa pos atau bisa juga melalui surat elektronik atau biasa di kenal dengan e-mail.

Contoh dari salah satu surat resmi adalah surat lamaran kerja;

                                                                                                    Jl. Ketapang No. 12
                                                                                                    Jakarta Utara 42113

                                                                                                    March 26, 2017

The Managing Director
Domestic Engineering Services Ltd.
Jl. M. Suganda Kav. 60 No. 33
Jakarta Utara, Indonesia 354313

Dear Mr. Goodmans,

Having heard that there is an excited vacancy for Sales Manager, I am interested to join at your established organization and a copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed.

I am currently working as a Sales Executive and completely have previous background at Sales Department in one of Asia chain resort. With impeccable standards of hotel and villa experience, have an excellent eye for detail and the ability to bring out the best in your team. 

Though it would be my third experience in the hospitality industry, the kind of work in which your consulate is engaged particularly interests me and I would welcome the opportunity to join your excellent company.

I shall be pleased to provide any further information you may need and hope I may be given the opportunity of an interview.

Yours sincerely,

M. Wijayakusumah.

Test yourself.

Read the following letter to answer questions 1 - .4

Lombok, February 16th,2018 

Dear Ryan, 
Hi there. How are things with you? It's good to know that you are doing fine. Have you received my e-mail?

I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my wonderful holiday. I think this is the most wonderful holiday I've ever had. There are a lot of interesting tourist objects to visit, beautiful local art and craft, tasty traditional food, and much more. It's Friday today. I can't believe this my last day. I wish I could spend more time here sometime with someone special. I hope and pray I will stay longer on my next visit.

I'll be home at about 10 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go back to work. I can't wait to show my Photos and Videos to you.

Okay, that's all for now. Send my warmest  love to family.

Best wishes ,

1. The letter tells us about ....
     A. Meiliana's holiday in Lombok
     B. Ryan's letter
     C. Meiliana's favorite places
     D. Ryan's plan for Lombok 

2. On what day is Meiliana going to arrive home?
     A. Monday
     B. Friday
     C. Saturday
     D. Sunday 

3. "... the most wonderful holiday ..." The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
     A. Usual
     B. Awesome
     C. Poor
     D. Hateful 

4. The letter shows that Meiliana ....
     A. Has not eaten the day before
     B. Bought all beautiful local art
     C. Has tried the traditional food
     D. Did not have nice holiday  

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