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Greetings card (Short Functional Text)

Greetings card

 /ˈɡriːtɪŋz kɑːda card with a picture on the front and a message inside that you send to somebody on a particular occasion such as their birthday. (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Greetings card artinya kartu ucapan adalah kartu yang mengekspresikan perasaan atau yang lain. Biasanya di beri gambar atau tulisan yang menarik untuk member perhatian kepada orang lain.

Kartu ucapan dapat berupa :

Birthday card, diberikan saat seseorang berulang tahun
Thank you card, di berikan untuk mengungkapkan rasa terimakasih.
Congratulation card, diberikan untuk mengucapkan selamat kepada seseorang.
Graduation card, ucapan selamat atas kelulusan.
Condolence card, ucapan berbela sungkawa, dll.

Contoh kartu ucapan ulang tahun;

Dear my best friend Lucy,

Wishing you a very happy returns of the day. May Allah will always bless you with health, wealth and prosperity as well as life treats you kind.



Test yourself.

Read the following text to answer questions 1 and 2.
Happy Mother's Day

Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays shines on the hills and it’s with doubt that this gives us the courage to face the new day with joy.   

1. To whom the card is sent?
     A. Mother
     B. Father
     C. Grandmother
     D. Grandfather 

2. "... with doubt that this gives us ..." The bold typed word has similar meaning to ....
     A. Belief
     B. Uncertainty
     C. Selfish
     D. Wealthy 

The text below is to answer questions 3 to 7.

Congratulation on your success in winning the Scrabble competition this year, Ryan. It was a tough competition. We are so proud of you could make class IX A be well known. We knew you would make it. We wish you the best always.

Your class mates.

3. What do the students of IX A say to complement their friend?
     A. It was a tough competition
     B. Winning the scrabble competition this year
     C. We are so proud of you
     D. We wish you the best always 

4. "We are so proud of you." The italicized word refers to ....
     A. Ryan
     B. The scrabble team
     C. IX-A
     D. Teachers 

5. "We wish you the best always." The underlined word has the same meaning with ....
     A. Hope
     B. Hoop
     C. Wash
     D. Watch 

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