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Personal Subject Pronouns

Personal subject pronouns

Personal subject pronouns like I, I am Ben. You, You are the new girl  etc.
The first person singular ' I ', I am Ben. 
The second person singular 'You', You are the new girl. Then the third person singular 'he', which is masculine. He is my teacher, he is Mr. Smith. Next 'she', which is feminine. She is Lucy.
'it', for things and animals. It is my cat Tommy.  After that, the first person plural 'we', we are friends now. And the second person plural 'you', which is the same as the second person singular. You are my friends now.

An important point is to remember that; we say 'you', for one person and 'you', for many people.

Finally we have the third person plural 'they', they are my keys.

It is very important to notice that with the first person singular ' I ', we always use a capital letter.

In English, we don't have different pronouns for formal and informal situations. You can use 'you', with a young boy or 'you', with the queen of England.

We use surname with Mr. Mrs or Miss/Mss.

If you want to make a situation less formal, you can say; call me by my first name / nickname. 

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