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Passive voice (Exercise 1)

1. Rewrite the sentences in Passive voice.

1.  The electricians have set the installations.

2.  Our cat does not catch the mice .
     ..The mice are not caught by our cat ....

3.  The teacher is explaining the lesson.

4.  My friend Lisa will buy a new flat..

5.  Gerald did not take photos.

6.  The people elected the governor.

7.  The children play football in the park.

8.  Somebody had used the computer.

9.  A car hit the small child.

10.  Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

11.  I love you.

12.  I have sold your car.

2. Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs given (in the correct form).

       arrest     wake     knock     check     translate     find     drive    

       make     spend     hear     carry

1.  The music at the party was very loud and could  ...be heard.. from far away.

2.  When you go through customs, your luggage may ........ by a customs officer.

3.  Her new book will probably ........ into a number of foreign languages.

4.  I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to ........ up at 4:30 in the morning.

5.  A decision will not ........ until the next meeting.

6.  That building is dangerous. It ought to ........ down before it falls down.

7.  If you kicked a policeman, you'd ..................

8.  Police are looking for a kidnapped boy, He can't ........ anywhere.

9.  Do you think that less money should ........ on arms?

10.  The injured man couldn't walk and had to .............

11. I don't mind driving but I prefer to ........ by other people.

3. Here again, you have to complete a sentence. This time use these verbs:

    must       should       shouldn't       might       would

1.  Did anyone clean the windows?
     No.  They .. should have been cleaned ... but they weren't.

2.  A:  Did anyone invite Ann to the wedding party?
     B:  I don't know. She ................................  - I'm not sure.

3.  A:  Did anyone see you?
     B:  No, but I ................................ if it hadn't been so dark.

4.  A:  Has someone repaired this computer?
     B:  Well, it's working again so it ................................

5.  A:  Did someone throw those old books away?
     B:  Yes, but it was a mistake. They ................................

See:  http://www.ladunaindo.com/2017/04/passive-voice.html

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