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Manuals (Short Functional Text)

Manuals  /ˈmænjuÉ™ls/

is an instruction book or commonly called a manual or a user guide from the manufacturer.


How to use a washing machine
1. First of whites separated, so as not to fade.
2. then, put clothes in the washing machine and given some water
3. third you do not forget, pour some detergent. Because This detergent is very important in the process of washing clothes , and for cleaning and perfuming the clothes.
4. if heavy clothing then use heavy regulation
5. set the time washing clothes , the turn the as you wish time in the wash time. there is usually a time setting, there are 5 minutes 10 minutes and other
6. washing machine itself will stop , then turn to the button so water out. if you want to quickly dry put in drying machine so turn as you wish time in a dryer setting.
7. when drying machine stop , so the process of washing clothes is completed. / so the process is complete.

Manuals adalah dokumen komunikasi teknis yang membantu orang menggunakan system tertentu. Biasanya berhubungan dengan peralatan elektronik. Umumnya berisi petunjuk tertulis serta gambar yang mendukung petunjuk tersebut.

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