Hortatory Exposition (Type of text)
A. Definition
Hortatory exposition is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way.
B. Communicative purpose
Hortatory exposition is used to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.
C. Generic Structure of Hortatory exposition Text
1. Thesis : Thesis is the announcement of issue concern.
2. Arguments : Argument is reason for concern, leading to recommendation.
3 Recommendation : Recommendation is statement of what ought or ought to happen.
D. The Characteristics / Language Feature
– Focusing on the writer
– Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
– Using action verb
– Using thinking verb
– Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
– Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
– Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
– Using passive voice
– Using simple present tense
E. Examples & Test Yourself
Study this text.
Kids Watching TV
Is it important to know what your kids are watching? Of course it is. Television can expose your children to things that you have tried to protect them from, especially violence, drug abuse, etc.
Argument 1:
One study demonstrated that watching too much TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay and anxiety around sleep, followed by shortened sleep duration.
Argument 2:
Another study found a significant association between the amount of time spent watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the like hood of subsequent aggressive acts against others.
Argument 3:
Meanwhile, many studies have found an association between kids watching a lot of TV, being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts above, protect your children with some following tips:
Limit television viewing to 1-2 hours each day.
Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their bedrooms.
Review the ratings of TV shows that your children watch.
Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening during the show.
(Buku kisi-kisi UN SMA IPA 2012)
Answer the questions below based on the text above.
1. Too much TV watching can possibly lead to ....
A. frustration
B. overweight
C. low achievement
D. laziness
E. hyperactivity
2. We know from the text that....
A. too much watching TV causes stress
B. being aggressive can happen to children
C. adult can get overweight
D. parents will protect their children
E. short of sleep duration cause overweight
3. The word disruption in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. improvement
B. restoration
C. eruption
D. allocation
E. interference
Now read and study this text.
Internet for students
Nowadays, in modern era, I think internet is very important for students.
As we all know internet has many function for supporting our life. They are, first, it gives us various information, news, knowledge etc. Students can search anything or something from internet. Take for example, they search about education, entertainment, knowledge etc that is in the world.
Second, they can add their friends in all countries in the world by internet. Chatting, e-mail, facebook, twitter, interpals are some examples of internet facility to have many friends. Besides, they can share, communicate, discuss and so on.
From my arguments above, as student, we should use internet facility well to get knowledge, friends, information etc.
What the basic difference between analytical and hortatory exposition is.
In simple word. Analytical is the answer of “How is/will” while hortatory is the answer of “How should”. Analytical exposition will be best to describe “How will student do for his examination? The point is the important thing to do. But for the question” How should student do for his exam?” will be good to be answered with hortatory. It is to convince that the thing should be done.
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