Passive voice (Exercise 3)
1. Again you have to make a passive sentence from the words in the brackets.
B: Yes. (she / like / by everybody) ..She is liked by everybody...
2. Where's my strawberries? They're gone!. (they / sell!).
3. The people next door disappeared a few weeks ago. (they / not / see / since again).
4. This room looks different. (it / paint / since I was last here?).
5. A tree was lying across the road. (it / blow / down in the storm).
2. In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Begin in the way shown each time.
1. They didn't offer Tom the job. Tom ..wasn't offered the job ...
2. They don't pay Ann very much. Ann ................................................................................................
3. Nobody told me that Lucy was ill. I ..................................................................................................
4. We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready. You .....................................
5. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired. He ....................................................................
6. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. .......................................................................
7. You didn't ask me my name. I ...........................................................................................................
8. I think They should have offered Tom the job. I think Tom .............................................................
3. This time you have to complete the sentences. Each time you have to use being with one of these verbs:
Keep pay attack give invite use ask
1. Mr. Meller doesn't like .. being kept ... waiting.
2. I don't like .................. stupid questions.
3. Miss Virgin doesn't like her phone ........................................... by other people.
4. Few people are prepared to work without ...........................................................................................
5. She won't go out alone after dark. She is afraid of ..............................................................................
6. Most people like ................................................... presents.
7. He came to the wedding party without ...............................................................................................
4. Here too you have to complete the sentences. This time make a passive sentence with 'get' and one of these verbs:
steal repair break catch sting use damage hurt
1. There was a fight at the party but nobody .. got hurt ...
2. Did any of these houses ............................................ in the storm last night?
3. If you want to break the law, make sure that you don't .......................................................................
4. These basket ball court doesn't .................................... often. Not many people want to play.
5. I used to have a bicycle but it .............................................................................................................
6. Ted ........................................ by a bee while he was sitting in the park.
7. How did that class window ...................................................................?.
8. Don't worry, it will ...................................................... soon.
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