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Spoof text (Examples & Test)

Examples of Spoof text:

Sample reading 1

                        Penguin in the Park


Once a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin.


He took him to a policeman and said, "I have just found this penguin. What should I do?" The policeman replied, "take him to the zoo".
The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather supriseed and walked up to the man and asked "why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn't you take it to the zoo?"


"I certainly did" replied the man.
"And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I am taking him to the movie, and the next day I'll take it to the beach. It'll be so much fun" said the man.
"Oh my God. You are so stupid. I asked you to take the penguin and give it to the zoo. I didn't ask to take it to the zoo and had fun there with it." policemen said.

Generic Structures Analysis

Orientation; introducing participant “he” and Penguin. They were in the park.
Event; the man tended to take the penguin to the park.
Twist; even, finally the man would take the penguin to the movies,

Language feature analysis

focusing on certain parcipants: he, penguin, policeman
Using action verb; carry walk up
Using adverb of time and place; once, in the park
Told in chronological order; the next day

Test yourself.

Here are some questions for sample reading 1, above;
1. What kind of text is it?
     A. Spoof
     B. Recount
     C. Report
     D. News item
     E. Narrative

2. Where did the man find the penguin?
     A. In a zoo
     B. In a park
     C. In a movie theatre
     D. In a police station
     E. At his home

3. Where did the man take the penguin for the first time?
     A. To a park
     B. To a police station
     C. To a zoo
     D. To a movie theater
     E. To a store

4. Why was the man still carrying the penguin the next day? Because ….
     A. He would take the penguin to the zoo again
     B. He enjoyed bringing the penguin everyday
     C. He found that the penguin enjoyed the zoo
     D. He misinterpreted to what the police said
     E. He found another penguin in the park

5. “And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m taking him to the movies!”
This part of the text is called ....
     A. Twist
     B. Event
     C. Coda
     D. Orientation
     E. Re-orientation

Sample reading 2                     

                       Green Pink and Yellow

Can you name the colors in English? Yes, you’re right. Blue, red, yellow, and so on. By the way, I have funny story about the colors. Do you want to hear it? Okay, listen to me carefully.
            One day, an English teacher was explaining about colors to his students.
            After he had finished explaining, he asked his students. “Who can make a sentence using the words green, pink, and yellow?”
            Kris the cleverest student in the class, quickly raised up his hand and answered, “when the yellow morning sun comes, I see a beautiful girl wearing a pink dress walking through the green grass”.
            “Great! Kris, you are a very good student.” said the teacher.
            “Me, me, sir” Niel, the most stupid student in the class said while rising his hand. And the said, “I heard the telephone was ringing green …… green, then I pink up the receiver and I said “Yellow, who’s speaking there?.”

Read sample reading 3 carefully to answer the following questions on Test yourself below.

Sample reading 3

    A young lion came to a small zoo in Europe. In the next cage was a tired, old lion, which did nothing except lie about and sleep. “Lion ought not to be like that!”  Young lion said to himself, so he roared at all the visitors and tried to break the bars of the cage.
    At three o’clock a man brought a big piece of meat and put it in the old lion’s cage then he put a bag of nuts and two bananas in the young lion’s cage. The young lion was very surprised. “I don’t understand this,” he said to the old lion, “I behave like a real lion while you lie there doing nothing, and look what happens!”
   “Well, you see,” said the old lion kindly, “this is a small zoo. They haven’t got enough money for two lions, so in their books you are here as a monkey. 

Test yourself.

1.  The communicative purpose of the text above is to .…....
     A. entertain the readers with story of young lion
     B. inform the readers about the story of old lion
     C. describe  about the process of the lions in the zoo
     D. describe about the animals in the zoo
     E.  persuade the reader to keep the lion at home

2. The young lion was very surprised because ….
     A. It doesn’t understand the words
     B. It couldn’t break the bars of the cage
     C. The man fed it a bag of nuts and two bananas
     D. The old lion just did nothing
     E. There were so many people in the zoo

3. What did the man put in the young’s lion cage?
     A. Money and meat
     B. Nuts and bananas
     C. Meat and bananas
     D. Bananas and meat
     E. Nuts and money

4. "I behave like a real lion while you lie there doing nothing ...." (paragraph 2) What is the synonym of the underlined word is?
     A. Act
     B. Fond
     C. Love
     D. See
     E. Tender

5.  The writer wants to say that ….
     A. There were two lions in the zoo
     B. The young lion ate nut and banana
     C. We must respect the older people
     D. There were so many visitors in the zoo
     E. The old lion ate a big piece of meat

Sample reading 4

                       Sum ting wong

Jacky Wong got married with Lia Wong. Both of them had a white skin and straight hair. They are really a well-matched couple.
One year later, Wong family got a new baby. A nurse brought them a son with curly hair and a black skin.
The nurse congratulated and said, “What name will you give to this son?”
With a confused face, Jacky Wong grumbled, “Sum Ting Wong!”.

Mentioned in Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; there are two meanings of spoof text,
First, as a noun the meaning is “ a funny and silly piece of writing, music, theatre, etc. that copies the style of an original work.”
Being Second, Spoof as a verb meaning “to try to make someone believe in something that is not true as a joke.”
Spoof of the second meaning above, it can be concluded that the definition of spoof text is a text that contains humor though most of the text has been modified from the original.

To understand "Spoof text" deeper and easily, I give an example that can be learned. For a while I was just going to give a few examples, but next time I will give more examples to make it complete.

I thank you for reading it.

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